March 2019 Newsletter

Governor’s Corner

This past month has been one busy month for your Governor doing club visits and getting everything together for the District Convention. I have many helpers also working on it to make it a very good Convention. If you have not already sent your information in saying you are attending, no worry, you can pay at the door. We are going to have many fine break out sessions for you to attend. Also, the visiting ID is Don Noland and his wife. He wants to meet as many Lions as he can.

If your club has not given me a date to come visit, please call my office at [omitted for digital release] or my home at [omitted for digital release] so your club can get on my calendar. The best thing about being your Governor is getting out there and seeing all my Lion friends. Each club is doing much in their community. We have so many Lions doing things that brings so much to those that just have a tough day making it. You as a Lion should always be proud of what you are doing.

Just a word on membership. I am asking all Lions to just invite one person to your meeting. Let them see how it works and how they can become a Lion in their community.

Please remember that Lions are currently raising funds for their Campaign 100 cause. If you have any questions or would like to have a speaker concerning this topic, please contact PDG Marty Juel at [omitted for digital release] or [omitted for digital release] or your can e-mail PDG Marty at [omitted for digital release]. He would be more than happy to come speak to your club about Campaign 100.

PDG Jeri Seely would like to receive any articles and pictures concerning all the great things your club is doing so she can puublish them in the Hoosier Lion. You can send them to PDG Jeri at [omitted for digital release].

DG Jim Reeve